Saturday, November 21, 2009

Effective fighting 101

Soooo, I had a fight with one of my closest friends last night. Yeah, it was Sean. We were sprawled on the family room couch watching Stargate Universe. He was kinda cranky from being up since 2:30 am (read here to find out why). And I was still a little cranky from being sick and from my discoveries yesterday of just how bad my men suck at doing the chores I ask them to do. The two of us cranky at the same time is never a good thing. So there we are, engrossed in our show...when one of the cats (the half paranoid totally hinky one, Axel) jumps up on the side of the couch, lands on the remote and shuts the satellite off. We both utter "shit" very loudly, I frantically reach for the remote and Sean goes after the cat. Now, I'm not sure what his intentions were exactly, but this cat (even after a year in our household) spooks easy and she freaks and leaps on my neck with all of her claws out! Needless to say, I howled in pain. And rounded on Sean all "The hell?? Thanks a bunch!" and instead of just saying "I'm sorry" you know, like a normal person, he says "I didn't know she'd do that" Really?? Because that's pretty much how she reacts to any sudden movement. And I say "well it didn't help any. It didn't get the satellite back on faster because I had to grab my bleeding neck and dropped the remote." and he argued with me. And did not apologize. And then escalated into both of us trying to shout over the other one (because, that's what we do) until I huffily grabbed my stuff and told him I wasn't going to sit in there with him when he was being a jerk.

So I went into the living room and flopped onto the couch next to hubby. "What's going on?" he asked. And I said "Your son is being a jerk. All I wanted was a freakin 'I'm sorry'. How hard is that? He can never admit he's done something wrong." And hubby just said "huh". Then asked if my show was over. I said no. And then he very generously offered me the remote and said he wasn't really watching anything anyway. So I got my show. But then he fell asleep. And snored. Loudly. And the TV in the living room is much smaller. And farther away. And its a bigger space and the couch is in front of the drafty window. So I was cold. And as I huddled in my corner of the couch, I had an epiphany. Next time I decide to get huffy and make a dramatic exit, maybe I should think about who I'm really punishing. Because Sean got to stay in there all warm and comfy with the cats and watch the big screen. Plus, sometimes I don't get stuff on Stargate and he has to explain it because he's a science whiz and he's watched the previous series so he knows what's going on. So I'm pretty sure I'm the one who suffered. Dammit.

But we're cool this morning. Because that's how we fight. We get mad, we blow up on each other, one of us walks away in a snit (okay, that's usually me) and we retreat to our separate corners. Then after we both cool off, we just go back to business as usual. I know it sounds counter productive, but after the cool off period there's a window of time that we converse rationally and solve things. So it works for us.

So I'm not really sure why I blogged all this. Maybe just because it was on my mind. Maybe as an example of how not to fight. Maybe just to prove that I'm not a perfect parent (you know, just in case anyone was laboring under that mistaken assumption).

On another note...I totally finished the SK book!! Have I mentioned lately how great of an author he is and how I totally worship him from afar. Even if he kills off characters I've come to love and makes me cry. Even if it took me a little over a whole week to finish that book and made the carpal tunnel in my left wrist act up and my wrist ached from holding that book because it weighs 4 freakin pounds!!! It was all worth it.

Have a great weekend,


  1. HA! Okay, that sucks big hairy cat balls. You could "blame" the cat for being a little freak!
    I had one that jumped from the window sill to my head (on my pillow sleeping) to the floor, it spun out on my forehead when I SCREAMED out of my sleep. I had the biggest long jagged scratch across my forehead, think Frankenstein.

    Wait, I just realized it sounds like I'm taking his side. That was wrong you missed SGU. Bad, bad kid! Did you know you can watch it online in HD? Yeppers!

    Congrats on finishing the book, I may wait til it comes out in paperback to read now that you mention carpal. :-)

  2. Spot, LOL sorry I'm not really laughing at your situation. It's funny how we are the ones who punish ourselves isn't it. I think cats know they are turning off the tv or changing the channels while my show is paused and I am making a sammich. I love it (not) when His Majesty the Cat stomps around on the remote while i'm watching tv or finds my phone and knocks it off of wherever I have laid it. I have decided its a jealousy thing. Pet ME instead of that thing!

  3. I'm just happy to see there are others out there who are as deserving of the mother of the year award as me : ). I say no harm done. You are teaching him that yeah sometimes we are alll snippy but we still love each other and make up and that's what families are for. Right?

  4. The Mr always does something to scare my cat, Romeo, when he's on my lap. Not on purpose, but he's just a klutz and loud noises are the klutz's M.O. It never ends well.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The pain! The pain! Geez. What is UP with the last frickin' week? It's not a full moon, so what else could possibly be causing all the turmoil and tantrums between us bloggers and our live loved ones? Glad you guys survived the night and I'm happy for your epiphany. Perhaps we can all learn from it.
    OH OH OH - speaking of learning from others...if you haven't already seen it, please read "Broken" by Xtremely Boring. Poor, poor guy. We may all learn from THAT! Yikes. (my comment there turned into a blog again. uffff.)

  7. I am really liking the Stargate Universe. Sorry you made yourself watch it in the cold.

    My mom would have sent us out of the room rather than leave it herself. So Yes, you are still awesome mom.

  8. Oh Spot...I am so with you here. I've got one of those mancubboychild things (he's 17) and due to a very weird set of circumstances he's living at home in Switzerland and I'm stuck here in the UK. Despite this, he can still make me come completely undone in zero seconds. For example, last night we were on msn and I was being all motherly because he's sick and not looking after himself.Then he sends me a picture of himself and says 'Like my new look?' He'd SHAVED his head..completelely bald and now looks like one of those skinhead thugs.And I am so mad and I'm mad that I'm not there so I can yell at him. I've always said that he may survive his adolescence, but I may not.

  9. Angelia~ We found this cat as a very young stray and she is a sweet cat, but what a weirdo. She just has a really nervous disposition and hasn't settled like all the other cats we've rescued. Sorry about your forehead!! SK- sooo good!

    Mark~ I'm pretty sure they are out to get us. And yes, they definitely think they should be the center of our attention. I have two that chew on my books if I'm trying to read and they want pets.

    DfG~ Of course! I totally meant it as a lesson in love. Not just me in a huff. =]

    Amy~ cats and hubbys. Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em. Well...

    Cyn~ I will go look that blog up this morning. I'm always up for a good lesson. And I dunno what's up with this crazy week. Polar misalignment? I'm sticking with that...

    Heather~ Thanks. I considered that but I figured he'd refuse and he's bigger than me. I could have called in his dad to make him move but it wasn't worth the effort. Plus I knew I might be overreacting (but very slightly mind you!). Lol. Love Stargate Universe. I ♥ Eli!

    Brite~ oh! Raising them is a trial isn't it?! Mine doesn't want to cut his hair currently. And I hate longish hair on guys!! And what is it with our 'almost adults' not taking care of themselves?? My daughter is sick now and worked a twelve hour shift!!!


  10. Fights suck. Always. But, resolving it rationally?...that's what matters. I've recently learned that lesson.

  11. Jessica~ so true! And sometimes we all need a "time out". ;]

