Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Irish Eyes are NOT Smilin'...

So it's St. Paddy's Day! And normally, I would be way happy today. Because I love this holiday. But today? Not so much. I finally caught the cold that's been running around my house for the last 3 weeks. Remember the one that had hubby sniffling non-stop? Well Sean and I are both sneezing our heads off today. And when I woke up, I was pretty sure my right eye was trying to forcibly leave my head. It feels as though it might pop out at any second. So I stumbled to the kitchen, holding my hand over the side of my face (I mean, I can't just let my eye leave, without a fight). Hubby asked if I was alright and I said "um. No. I'm currently at war with the right side of my head. Give me your hand." I placed his hand firmly on that side. And he said "The whole side of your face is throbbing." and made a disgusted face. Yes, even my teeth hurt.

Why Universe, why??! One day a year I make corned beef and cabbage and I had to get sick today?? I loooovvveee Corned beef and cabbage. And Guinness. Universe? You suck. So I'm probably going back to bed soon. But hopefully my head will stop trying to detach itself and run from my neck so I can get my Irish on.

I was going to tell you an a funny story about my fam being Irish. It'll hold til tomorrow. I gotta go lay down...

sniffles & sinus headaches,


  1. Feel better cos I love ya and also can't wait to hear the Irish story!

  2. I hope you get your Irish on because I don't want you to miss your corned beefa nd cabbage. Can't wait to hear that story!

  3. Awww sweetie, I hope you get better soon!

    Corned beef and cabbage..Yummy!

  4. THANK YOU for calling it St Paddy's Day instead of St Patty's day.

    If anyone wasn't aware... the reason it's "Paddy" is because the Irish variant of Patrick is Padraig, thus making the nickname Paddy, not Patty.

  5. Aww. Spot! Are you sure it's not sinus infection?

  6. Sad!! I will drink a green beer for you

  7. I've heard green beer will cure anything....
    "bottoms up". (Of course, thats probably sn old Irish tale.)

  8. Aww - Spot ... please keep all your parts attached.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.


  9. you are a fucking stud for posting anything but a middle finger to the germ spreaders of the world. feel better. thank you so much for your presence in this dark time of mine. hang onto that eye. take care♥

  10. oh no. i tell ya what, we will postpone it a day for you. deserve it with all that nonsense going on.

    The corn beef and cabbage can wait one more day! Feel better.

  11. Well I, for one, hope your eyeball stays right where it should be! Get better! =)

  12. It's the clown!! That's where he set up shop at my place. The right eye!! You need some serious muscle dude like steroid heads to kick his mutant a$$!

    Thinking of you!! Xoxo

  13. That's right Spot, you tell that eyeball who's boss! I'm so sorry your sick! I HATE being sick (though I'm not sure if anyone in the world likes it....) Get well soon sweetie!

  14. Oh, honey....I'm so sorry! (Nice stinkin' job, Universe! Don't you remember our agreement that Spot was to NEVER, EVER get sick from everyone else's stupid, common germs???)

    You go lie down and put some duct tape over that eye...and take some sudafed for the sinus pressure...and take some ibuprofen for the pain... and write it down, so you don't forget what I just told you.

    And if worse comes to worse, have a MOCK-St. Patty's Day tomorrow...ppl will assume you got so hammered on the 17th, you don't realize you've missed it. You'll be like, half the people in the country anyway.....
