Thursday, September 17, 2009

One of these days...

I'm going to convince my family that this is my work. Yes, thanks for pointing out that it would be easier if I was actually making money at it. But, I have to devote the time, perfect my craft, and work up a fan base to even start making money. And to do that I have to have more of that precious commodity called "time". Time in which I'm left alone, at my computer with the door closed. This seems to be nearly impossible. If my youngest son is not poking his head in to inform me that he's hungry and ask what I'm making him to eat, my husband is poking his head in "just to check on you", or a cat is scratching at the door (or more often, walking on my keyboard), or a friend is calling. Why is carving out time to devote to something I love so difficult? And if they aren't bugging me, it's usually because I've snapped and fussed at them all. Then I feel massively guilty and keep thinking about the times when I'm missing them. Even now, I've just booted everyone out of the room and I'm writing this but at the back of my mind is the knowledge that the guys just got home from work and I need to get some supper started. How do successful writers do this? How do you balance it all? I would love to disappear in here and write for hours on end, only emerging to use the restroom and eat, but the guilt would swamp me...

Oh well, maybe being a successful writer isn't really in my future. It's not like I haven't done anything worthwhile with my life. I'm pretty proud of my kids and how they turned (continue to turn) out. Maybe successful mother is enough. *sigh* I wish it paid better...


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