Monday, January 31, 2011

The one where Lu saves the Polar Bears and we prepare for Snowmageddon...

Dude. Have you watched the weather forecast lately? Well if you're in any of the like 30 states that they are predicting this winter storm for, you probably have. It's supposed to be record-breaking. And I know a lot of you are like "Universe! Stop with the freakin snow already!". But not me. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning!! (yes, I do know that most of you think I'm certifiably crazy.) We are, without a doubt, going to get snowed in. You see they are predicting ice and sleet and snow for today. I don't particularly care for that wintry mix, but as long as both kids make it home from work safe, I'll take it. And tonight the snow is supposed to start. It's not going to end til Wednesday. Somewhere between 12 to 18 inches is predicted, but an inside source told me more like 24. Along with 45 mph winds which will make drifting and visibility an issue. We live on a gravel road off of another gravel road. And the 1/4 mile long drive to the mailbox and county gravel road drifts like you wouldn't believe. So without my hubby to clear the way, we will be stuck. And although he did make arrangements to have someone come and clear snow, I doubt they will be able to get to us until the other roads are cleared. But it's cool. Because I already grocery shopped, laid in firewood, stocked up on candles and matches. We will hunker down and enjoy the isolation. Sean will miss work, but I know he won't mind. (Because my children are crazy too, apparently). So, call me crazy, but I'm looking forward to Snowmaggedon. I hope the rest of you stay safe and warm as well!

And on the cold wintry theme, here's a convo from dinner the other night:

Lu: I have a great idea for how to save the Polar Bears! I'm going to go buy all the bags of ice at Walmart and take them to the North Pole to replace the melting ice caps.

Me: How are you going to get them there? I think they'll melt on the drive up.

Lu: In a refrigerated truck. Duh. Like the one they took Frosty the Snowman in.

Sean: You do realize that's not going to be enough ice, right?

Lu: I'll stop at every Walmart along the way.

Me: But how will you get it all the way to the North Pole? You can't drive there.

Lu: Sure you can. Haven't you heard of Ice Road Truckers?

Me: Um. Yeah, but there's no road. Maybe you could fly along and dump it out.

Sean: And you do realize that if the polar ice caps are melting, then your measly bags of ice are going to melt too. That's like dumping ice in a lukewarm drink.

Lu: Whatever, Sean. It will work.

Me: Do you think Polar Bears prefer crushed or cubed ice?

Lu: Crushed. Duh.

Sean: Well I'm going to shoot all your Polar Bears.

Lu: You can't shoot Polar Bears, they're extinct.

Me: I think you mean endangered, honey.

Sean: A. Polar Bears are not extinct. B. But if they were, you're right. You sure as heck wouldn't be able to shoot them.

By this time I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Hope you are too.

Happy Snowmaggedon!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The one where I finally get my life back...

I absolutely cannot believe that I have not blogged in almost two months. That seems crazy to me when it's one of my all time favorite activities. Not to mention, the way I connect with so many people near and far. Oddly though, I have noticed that several people took blogcations and went AWOL. Thank you to those of you who still commented or sent emails or kept up with me on Facebook. I'm still alive. And improved. Not new. Just improved. So I guess I'll just catch everyone up as best I can and go from there. This may take a while so grab a beverage, put your feet up and dive in.

I had some health issues while I was gone. Namely, pneumonia that played "musical lungs" and hung on from December 15th (my birthday) until about January 18th. Not being able to breathe pretty much sucks. And coughing so hard you actually crack a rib is not high on the list of fun stuff either. I would never have made it through Christmas (remember it was my year to host my mom's family) if I had not been oddly organized this year (I say odd because I'm never this organized at Christmas). I had bought most of my gifts early (yay for online shopping!) and had actually planned my days out so I could get things done. Also, Mike helped more this year with Christmas than he's ever, in our entire life together, helped. In fact, I may consider having pneumonia ever year. Or at least faking it. Cough. Cough. "I'm sick". And the kids pitched in too. And I finally gave myself permission to not sweat the small stuff. And to consider many things "small stuff". So Christmas came off with out a hitch. The cleanup was another matter. I didn't get the trees down until January 19th. I also had my gallbladder surgery. Finally. We'd had to keep rescheduling it due to the pneumonia. It wasn't bad as far as surgeries go and I've recovered rather quickly for me. So I'm finally feeling more or less normal. Better than normal except for a continuing cough. Surely it will be gone by March?

Mike is doing well. He's actually off to National Camp School for a week to head up and teach the Ranger portion. He was suggested by someone he'd met, they conferred with his bosses, talked to him and off he went. He was so nervous. Public speaking is not his favorite. But we went over his lesson plans and everything the other night and he's going to rock this gig. The new rangers are lucky to have him because he'll be a great teacher. But he hasn't been gone for a whole week in like 5 years. I'm going to really miss him. And I sure as hell hope we don't get snowed in. I have no idea how to drive the tractor and plow snow. Also, for those of you who are thinking "Ha! Her husband's gone for a week, lets rob the place", first, there's not much to take. Second, we have guns and Sean will shoot you. I much prefer sharp stabby things so I'll shank you with my vegetable knife. But worst of all...we have a pregnant Lu who will probably gouge out your eyes with her bare hands. Seriously. Those hormones are wild.

Sean is good. Still rocking the telemarketer world and keeping us all in stitches with tales of his daily worklife. He almost makes me want to get a job there. Sean and Lizzie did drop the "not dating" part and dated over Christmas break. Unfortunately, it was short lived. Now they really are not dating. So girls, he's up for grabs again. And he's racking up a tidy little nest egg. Although, I must admit he's pretty generous with his money. He's currently making his summer travel plans and seeing how he can fit some work in there too.

Lu is good. Her pregnancy is going well and she has the cutest little baby belly. She's really starting to show this last week and you can tell it's baby not pudge. She hasn't had any problems other than tiredness and some nausea at all. Her blood work is looking good and holding out high. We heard the baby's heartbeat at the last appointment and it was strong and 166. This leads me to believe it's a girl. The name picking is not going so well. She wants something uncommon, but not ridiculous. Maybe I should have a "name Lu's baby" contest. The baby's father is very much out of the picture. He can't seem to put aside his own feelings and realize that there's a baby involved, it's not really about him anymore. I think it's hurt Lu's feelings somewhat on behalf of the baby, but mostly she's relieved. There is someone else in the picture. He is ready to take care of both Lu and the baby. But they are taking it slow to see where it goes. With her hormonal mood swings, dating her is challenging. I won't say anything further because some of the baby's daddy's friends read my blog and it doesn't need to get back to him unless they get serious. You know who you are...and so do I. So don't go telling tales. She's still working at her retail job and planning to take online classes in the fall after the baby is born.

Well, bet you finished that drink, huh? If you made it through all this, then you are pretty well caught up. I can't wait to read some of your blogs and find out what's going on with the rest of you! And I do have some wickedly funny conversations saved up. It's good to be back. I've missed you all.
